
Producers & Scripts in Print™, by Hazel Hoyle
SCRIPTS IN PRINT ™  is a new book series being released exclusively by Oxygen Films Corp that provides readers the opportunity to experience screenplays as a storytelling medium.

Oxygen Films has over 200 feature-length submissions from screenwriters of all genres interested in putting their hard work into action on the big screen. As we await options, co-production deals and outright purchase of these scripts, many of our writers are interested in promoting their work in the format of published books. 

We anticipate future production opportunities for feature-length theatrical release of these scripts and we are holding the rights to manage offers and deals to that effect. As a producer, if you have screenplays in your possession that are not going anywhere in the development phase of your production companies, you may wish to consider allowing SCRIPTS IN PRINT ™ to publish these works as part of our screenplay series. From there, you can develop your project viability while earning some book sale revenues and developing a fan-base which may assist with finance acquisition and subsequent talent attachments.

To be considered for publication with us, please submit your script title, genre, logline, description and/or synopsis to

If you are interested in purchasing or optioning screenplays and you wish to review our catologue of  over 200 screenplays, please contact us at and we will be in touch.

To find out more about why SCRIPTS IN PRINT ™ may be right for you, CLICK HERE